A West Fort Technologies subsidiary

Welcome to Trust Zero 

About Us

At Trust Zero, we facilitate the implementation of a Zero-Trust Security framework for API and microservice application deployments. In light of new threats, perimeter-based security measures are no longer adequate for protecting businesses. Zero-trust security entails cryptographic authentication for every API call, user, partner, and application. By adopting this approach, both internal and external hackers can be prevented from causing harm to data and applications. 

Our extensible, cloud-native, Kubernetes-native software is multi-platform capable with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, HashiCorp, Nomad, Kubernetes, Red Hat, Openstack, VMware We can also connect to Microservices, Serverless, Service Mesh, Security and GraphQL Integrations.

Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Our ZTNA solution allows you to secure remote and mobile access to your applications and resources without the need for a VPN.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Our IAM services include multi-factor authentication, user provisioning, and access governance to ensure that only authorized users have access to your systems and data.

Compliance and Auditing

We can help you comply with industry regulations and standards, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SOC2, by providing regular security audits and compliance assessments.


We can help you segment your network and isolate sensitive data, so that even if an attacker gains access to your network, they will be unable to move laterally and steal sensitive information.

Security Analytics

We provide security analytics services that help you detect and respond to threats in real-time, so you can take action before a breach occurs.

The Trust Zero Approach

Traditional access technologies, like VPN, rely on antiquated access management principles, and are particularly vulnerable through compromised user credentials that have led to breaches. IT needs to rethink its access model and technologies to ensure the business is secure, while still enabling fast and simple access for all users, including third-party users. Zero Trust security can reduce risk and complexity, while delivering a consistent user experience through granular security policies. 

Zero Trust is a network security strategy based on the philosophy that no person or device inside or outside of an organization’s network should be granted access to connect to IT systems or workloads unless it is explicitly deemed necessary. In short, it means zero implicit trust.

Our API gateway manages requests from various clients and directs them to appropriate services within its domain, providing security, filtering, routing, and other services. Next-generation gateways are designed for dynamic environments like Kubernetes, using declarative configuration and self-service collaboration. Gloo Gateway extends Envoy Proxy and offers improved scalability, reduced latency, and centralized policy management within the Gloo Platform framework.